Coaching - Our Approach


At Beacon, we use a variety of approaches to coaching in order to help our clients maximize their potential, so that they can bring their greatest work to their team, organization, community and even to the world. As professional coaches, we provide an ongoing partnership designed to help people improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives.

We engage our resources in coaching knowledge and methodology to design programs that meet the unique needs of each individual client. We challenge our clients to try new ways of thinking, speaking, listening and acting. We advocate lightness, curiosity, compassion and respectful honesty and use other tools to support our clients to find strength and more importantly, courage needed to make changes or to try something new.

The field of coaching is not yet regulated, anyone can call himself a coach. The coaches at Beacon adheres to International Coach Federation standards, which means: we are highly trained and make a commitment to abide by certain ethics, and to continuously improve our skills and our ability to serve our clients. Our Coaches.are also trained to listen, to observe and to customize our approach to individual client needs. We seek to elicit solutions and strategies with and from the client; we believe the client is creative and resourceful. Our job is to provide support and guidance to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that the client already possess.

As we come from different “schools” of coaching, we are more equipped to pair our coaches and clients to deliver best results based on the strengths of our coaches.

Does coaching work? Yes. Good coaches provide a truly important service. They tell you the truth when no one else will.”

– Jack Welch, Former CEO of General Electric